About — Café Calypso
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About — Café Calypso
Meet Café Calypso
A first in Corpus Christi, with delicious drinks, live music, and Coffee House Culture! Originally, we ordered roasted coffee from California, then decided in 1993 to put Erdal’s expertise to work. We started importing and roasting coffee ourselves. Revolutionary for Corpus Christi. But it was a natural transition. We could choose the countries to represent in our Café, and have the ultimate freshness and quality control in our coffee offerings.
Istanbul Coffee Trading Co., Inc. dba Café Calypso. We continue to bring our own roasting style to South Texas and beyond. Our goal is to provide superb quality and consistently delicious coffee, both in our drinks and in the whole bean offerings. Café Calypso will bring to you the classics and the unique.
Café Calypso offers a full Espresso Bar and a Café of homemade desserts, pastries, brunches, and light lunches. Café Calypso has a variety of coffee and non-coffee treats. Pastry and Sandwich trays are also available for your gatherings, and special-order cakes and cheesecakes for your parties!
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Lost Sock Roasters `form[action*='/${t}']:not([data-nocaptcha='true']) input[name='form_type'][value='${e}']`)).join(','),a=t=>()=>t?[...document.querySelectorAll(t)].map((t=>t.form)):[];function s(){const t=[...o],e=r(t);return a(e)}const i='password',u='form_key',d=['recaptcha-v3-token','g-recaptcha-response','h-captcha-response',i],f=()=>{try{return window.sessionStorage}catch{return}},m='__shopify_v',_=t=>t.elements[u];function p(t,e,n=!1){try{const o=window.sessionStorage,c=JSON.parse(o.getItem(e)),{data:r}=function(t){const{data:e,action:n}=t;return t[m]||n?{data:e,action:n}:{data:t,action:n}}(c);for(const[e,n]of Object.entries(r))t.elements[e]&&(t.elements[e].value=n);n&&o.removeItem(e)}catch(o){console.error('form repopulation failed',{error:o})}}const l='form_type',E='cptcha';function T(t){t.dataset[E]=!0}const w=window,h=w.document,L='Shopify',v='ce_forms',y='captcha';let A=!1;((t,e)=>{const...
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