Carolina Coffee Shop
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Carolina Coffee Shop

Dine-IN and Take-out
We are happy to announce that we are fully open once again for dine-in and take-out every day from 8am-3pm! Thank you for your patience and understanding as we transition, we hope to create a safe restaurant environment for our guests and employees.
Please note, an auto-gratuity of 18% will be added to your tab through online take out orders
Due to the high volume of traffic on the weekends, Carolina Coffee Shop does not accept reservations or call-aheads on Fridays, Saturdays, or Sundays. To make a reservation on Monday-Thursday, please call the restaurant at (919) 942-6875.
If you are looking to schedule an event at our location, please submit an event inquiry form.
We are now selling gift cards! Let any of our staff members know at any time if you’d like to purchase one! Not at the restaurant? You can now purchase gift cards online here. You’ll now have the option to personalize your gift with a message, and even schedule a virtual delivery! Use your gift card on take-out orders, when dining in with us, or even when grabbing a quick coffee for the road.
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