Ralph Fisher says "Get Away From It All At Cold Mountain Lodge". Come enjoy our rustic mountain cabin located at 861 Little East Fork Canton, North Carolina 28716. A unique mountain cabin strategically placed at the base of the beautiful, historic and unforgettable Cold Mountain.
Get Away From It All At Cold Mountain Lodge [View Our Newsletter * Click Here ] * CLICK HERE FOR INTRODUCTION . . . Come enjoy our rustic mountain cabin located at 861 Little East Fork Canton, North Carolina 28716. Here you will find a truly unique mountain cabin...
Lost Sock Roasters
Lost Sock Roasters `form[action*='/${t}']:not([data-nocaptcha='true']) input[name='form_type'][value='${e}']`)).join(','),a=t=>()=>t?[...document.querySelectorAll(t)].map((t=>t.form)):[];function s(){const t=[...o],e=r(t);return a(e)}const i='password',u='form_key',d=['recaptcha-v3-token','g-recaptcha-response','h-captcha-response',i],f=()=>{try{return window.sessionStorage}catch{return}},m='__shopify_v',_=t=>t.elements[u];function p(t,e,n=!1){try{const o=window.sessionStorage,c=JSON.parse(o.getItem(e)),{data:r}=function(t){const{data:e,action:n}=t;return t[m]||n?{data:e,action:n}:{data:t,action:n}}(c);for(const[e,n]of Object.entries(r))t.elements[e]&&(t.elements[e].value=n);n&&o.removeItem(e)}catch(o){console.error('form repopulation failed',{error:o})}}const l='form_type',E='cptcha';function T(t){t.dataset[E]=!0}const w=window,h=w.document,L='Shopify',v='ce_forms',y='captcha';let A=!1;((t,e)=>{const n=(g='f06e6c50-85a8-45c8-87d0-21a2b65856fe',I='',D={infoText:'Protected by hCaptcha',privacyText:'Privacy',termsText:'Terms'},(t,e,n)=>{const o=w[L][v],c=o.bindForm;if(c)return c(t,g,e,D).then(n);var r;o.q.push([[t,g,e,D],n]),r=I,A||(h.body.append(Object.assign(h.createElement('script'),{id:'captcha-provider',async:!0,src:r})),A=!0)});var g,I,D;w[L]=w[L]||{},w[L][v]=w[L][v]||{},w[L][v].q=[],w[L][y]=w[L][y]||{},w[L][y].protect=function(t,e){n(t,void 0,e),T(t)},Object.freeze(w[L][y]),function(t,e,n,w,h,L){const[v,y,A,g]=function(t,e,n){const i=e?o:[],u=t?c:[],d=[...i,...u],f=r(d),m=r(i),_=r(d.filter((([t,e])=>n.includes(e))));return[a(f),a(m),a(_),s()]}(w,h,L),I=t=>{const;return e instanceof HTMLFormElement?e:e&&e.form},D=t=>v().includes(t);t.addEventListener('submit',(t=>{const e=I(t);if(!e)return;const n=D(e)&&!e.dataset.hcaptchaBound&&!e.dataset.recaptchaBound,o=_(e),c=g().includes(e)&&(!o||!o.value);(n||c)&&t.preventDefault(),c&&!n&&(function(t){try{if(!f())return;!function(t){const e=f();if(!e)return;const n=_(t);if(!n)return;const o=n.value;o&&e.removeItem(o)}(t);const e=Array.from(Array(32),(()=>Math.random().toString(36)[2])).join('');!function(t,e){_(t)||t.append(Object.assign(document.createElement('input'),{type:'hidden',name:u})),t.elements[u].value=e}(t,e),function(t,e){const n=f();if(!n)return;const o=[...t.querySelectorAll(`input[type='${i}']`)].map((({name:t})=>t)),c=[...d,...o],r={};for(const[a,s]of new FormData(t).entries())c.includes(a)||(r[a]=s);n.setItem(e,JSON.stringify({[m]:1,action:t.action,data:r}))}(t,e)}catch(e){console.error('failed to persist form',e)}}(e),e.submit())}));const S=(t,e)=>{t&&!t.dataset[E]&&(n(t,e.some((e=>e===t))),T(t))};for(const o of['focusin','change'])t.addEventListener(o,(t=>{const e=I(t);D(e)&&S(e,y())}));const...
Home - Griddle & Grind Cafe
What started as just a dream for Shayleen and Sierra has quickly turned into reality... and they couldn’t be more thankful! After spending just a short time in the gourmet coffee industry, Sierra quickly found a passion for the art of coffee! And as she excelled in her craft, she...
Home | Wired Cup Cafe 717-715-5040
Wired Cup Cafe is an independently run cafe with a nostalgic, big city vibe. Situated in the small town of Ephrata, PA, and now in the heart of Lancaster City, Wired Cup is known for locally roasted coffee and our NY style bagel bar! Try our fresh bagels and over...
Red Fern Cafe
The Red Fern Cafe A coffee and waffle bar where you can find a cozy spot and settle in. We have a variety of board games to play and snacks to fuel the soul.View Our Menu Hours Monday - Friday 6 am - 12 pm (Food service stops at 11:30...
Home - Java Bean Café
Java Bean Café proudly serves the Claymont Community and surrounding areas by offering specialty coffees and teas, artisan pastries, and chef-inspired menus. Whether you're "on the go" or taking time to relax, come out to brunch on the weekends with your family, gather with colleagues for meetings, or enjoy a...
Home | The 806
Established in 2007 in the Historic Route 66 District, we offer the best coffee, espresso, tea, vegetarian/vegan foodies, beers, and wines! We're proud to host an eclectic mix of local and traveling music acts, as well as Amarillo's longest-running Open Mic Night!The Happy Hours : 3-7p Daily! [alcohol & espresso...
Starbucks reverses its open-door policy, requiring people to make a purchase if they want to stay
Starbucks is reversing its open-door policy after almost seven years, now requiring that people make a purchase if they want to hang out at its coffee shops or use its restrooms. The coffee giant said on Monday that a new code of conduct – which will be posted in all company-owned...
Kixi Cafe
Welcome to Kixi Cafe in Boca Raton, a coffee lover's dream. Immerse yourself in our world of aromatic coffee from our favorite local roaster, Wells Coffee, delectable breakfast, brunch, and lunch options, including our signature Japanese soufflé pancakes. Enjoy our dog-friendly patio, embodying Boca Raton's vibrant charm. At Kixi, we're...
The Heavenly Roast | Brewed to Perfection
ABOUT OUR COFFEE Introducing the collaboration between us and Vienna Coffee Co., a renowned local coffee roaster in Maryville. Indulge in the exquisite taste of our finest craft coffee. We take pride in serving beans that are roasted within days of consumption. Our selection includes Thunderhead Espresso, Decaf Espresso, Dark...
JS Bean Factory
Welcome to The Bean FactoryStore hours: Holiday hoursChristmas Day: 8am-2pmNew Years Day: 8am-6pmThe Bean Factory, established in 2001, is an independently owned, local coffee shop and roastery in St. Paul. When we bought the vacant building we envisioned a specialty coffee shop serving the community by bringing only the best coffees,...
The Attic | Your cup is waiting
Coffee Our full service espresso bar offers hand-tamped espresso drinks, unique specialty drinks, steamers, smoothies, frappes, Italian sodas, and more! Each day we brew a dark roast, medium roast, and decaf fair trade/organic coffee, and one flavored coffee. Our coffees are roasted locally and restocked weekly to maximize quality and...