Discover Amarillo’s Best Locally-Owned Restaurants: Share Your Favorites!

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Discover Amarillo’s Best Locally-Owned Restaurants: Share Your Favorites!

[] Uncover Amarillo's Hidden Gems: The Top Locally-Owned Restaurants {if( "__uspapi" in window ){__uspapi('getUSPData', 1 , (uspData, success) => {if(success) {res( uspData || {} );} else {res( {} );}});}else{res( {} );}});}; ]]> { //console.log('[Osano] Initialized'); // Get the user's jurisdiction const jurisdiction =; // Check the jurisdiction and take action if (jurisdiction && jurisdiction.startsWith("us-")) { //console.log('[Osano] User is outside the EU. Hiding dialog, Do Not Sell, and Widget...');;; const osanoWidget = document.getElementsByClassName("osano-cm-widget"); osanoWidget && osanoWidget[0] && (osanoWidget[0].style.display = "none"); } }); let osanoSaved = 0;//prevent refresh on load because: If the consent has been saved already, the callback will be called immediately."osano-cm-consent-saved", (save) => { //console.log("Osano Saved: " + osanoSaved); if( osanoSaved > 0 ){ //console.log( "Save Toggled: ", JSON.stringify( save ) ); window.location.reload(); } osanoSaved++; }); ]]> =0&&r<600?"Overnight":r>=600&&r<1e3?"Morning Drive":r>=1e3&&r<1500?"Midday":r>=1500&&r<1900?"Afternoon Drive":r>=1900&&r<2400?"Evening":void 0}(new Date);carbonInitDataLayer.userAgent = navigator.userAgent; w.dataLayer = w.dataLayer || []; w.dataLayer.push( carbonInitDataLayer ); w.dataLayer.push({event: "page_view", viewType: "standard"}); })(window);]]> { window.fbLoaded = () => { (window.FB && !window.FB.__buffer) && (()=>{window.FB.__buffer=true;})(); }; })(document, "script", "ig-shit");]]> { const uspData = await window.TSM.fn.getUspData(); var params={pubID:"3227",adServer:"googletag",params:};apstag.init(params);})(); })(); ]]> { //console.log(e); if( && ){ //console.log( "", ); window.aleph =; window.cQ = window.cQ || []; window.cQ.push(()=>{ window.globalActionCreators && window.globalActionCreators.addAleph && window.globalActionCreators.addAleph( window.aleph ) }); setCookie( "aleph",, alephExpire ); dealWithAlephCount(); } }); let ifr = d.createElement( "iframe" ); = "aleph-iframe"; ifr.title = "aleph"; ifr.src = ""; ifr.frameborder = "0"; = "display:none;" ifr.addEventListener("load", ()=>{ ifr.contentWindow.postMessage({action: "getAleph"}, ""); }); d.body.appendChild( ifr ); } })(window, document);]]> Amarillo's thriving food scene is highlighted in this article, featuring locally-owned restaurants loved by loyal customers.n

Read Moren","permalink":"//","image":{"id":472331,"url":"//’s-Best-Local-Restaurants.jpg","caption":"Canva"}},"carbonMeta":{"widePromotion":false,"galleryBadge":false,"disableInfiniteLoad":false,"disableConcertWidget":false,"disableInArticleAds":false,"hideFromSearchEngines":false,"addNofollow":false,"overlookedTags":false,"isGallery":true,"isLaunchpadProfile":false,"commentsEnabled":true},"_crosspost_source_blog_id":"","tags":[{"id":10682,"slug":"amarillo-restaurants","title":"amarillo restaurants","description":"","post_count":21,"link_url":"//","feed_url":"//","term_taxonomy_id":10685,"object_id":472318},{"id":102,"slug":"amarillo","title":"Amarillo Texas","description":"Welcome to Amarillo, Texas! rnrnA growing city with a quirky, small-town feel, Amarillo is the heartbeat of the Texas Panhandle. With a racially diverse population of 230,000 as of the 2020 U.S. Census, Amarillo has grown exponentially in the past decade. Whether you've come for its rapidly expanding medical industry, aerospace and transportation job hubs, or its newly revitalized Downtown district that's home to Hodgetown baseball stadium and the Minor League Baseball team, The Sod Poodles--the Yellow City is the place for you to be!","post_count":3585,"link_url":"//","feed_url":"//","term_taxonomy_id":571,"object_id":472318}],"categories":[{"id":47,"slug":"local-news","title":"Amarillo News","description":"","parent":0,"post_count":11886,"link_url":"//","feed_url":"//","term_taxonomy_id":47,"object_id":472318}],"authors":[{"id":667759,"slug":"loricrofford","name":"Lori Crofford","first_name":"Lori","last_name":"Crofford","nickname":"loricrofford","description":"Lori grew up in the Texas Panhandle. It will always be home. She loves the people and the community. Lori has been in Amarillo radio 28 years. She started her radio career at the One 91.1 and in the Broadcasting Department of West Texas A&M University. One of the things that her mentor, Dr. Leigh Browning drilled in her head was the pronunciation of W. "It's not dubya, it is double u." rnrnHer love for the radio and country began at an early age. She used to sit in her grandmother's kitchen floor. Her grandmother would turn up the radio and get to cooking or baking. Lori was either going to become a chef or on the radio. You know which one she chose. rnrnWhen she's not working she enjoys spending time with her family going to events, concerts, museums and going on road trips. If she has some extra time you can find her curled up with a good book escaping to another world for a bit. If you have any great book suggestions don't hesitate to email her a list.","thumbnail":"//","url":"//"}],"post_more_meta":{"meta":""},"social":{"readmore":null,"comments_button":null,"email":{"className":"email share_link","href":"mailto:?subject=Check out Amarillo%E2%80%99s%20Top%2010%20Best%20Local%20Restaurants%20According%20to%20Social%20Media&","title":"Send to a friend!","target":"_self"},"print":{"href":"javascript:window.print();","title":"Print this page"},"showTop":"","fb":{"href":"","title":"Share on Facebook","target":"_blank"},"tw":{"href":"","title":"Share on Twitter","target":"_blank"},"gp":null,"pinterest":{"className":"pinterest share_link","name":"tsq-pinterest","href":"","title":"Pin it!","target":"_blank","count-layout":"none","data-pin-custom":true},"reddit":null,"tumblr":null,"instagram":null,"is_article":true},"nextArticle":"//","prevArticle":"//","pageUrl":"/amarillos-best-local-restaurants/","blogId":195,"domain":"","crossPostAttributionBottom":"","podContent":[{"type":"singlePostText","data":{"text":"

One of the things people love to do in Amarillo is eat.   If the food is amazing they want to share it with whoever will listening.","podInfo":{"type":"tag","name":"p","attribs":{"dangerouslySetInnerHTML":{"__html":"One of the things people love to do in Amarillo is eat.   If the food is amazing they want to share it with whoever will listening."}}}},"currentTextLength":141,"runningCounter":1,"cumulativePodTextLength":141,"totalSimilarConsecutiveElements":1,"totalTextLength":141},{"type":"singlePostBrandedapppromo","data":{},"runningCounter":1,"totalSimilarConsecutiveElements":1},{"type":"singlePostText","data":{"text":"

Amarillo is full of great restaurants and those restaurants serve up great food. However, when it comes to Amarillo, we have some great locally-owned restaurants.  Not only that, they serve great food that keeps people coming back over and over again.","podInfo":{"type":"tag","name":"p","attribs":{"dangerouslySetInnerHTML":{"__html":"Amarillo is full of great restaurants and those restaurants serve up great food. However, when it comes to Amarillo, we have some great locally-owned restaurants.  Not only that, they serve great food that keeps people coming back over and over again."}}}},"currentTextLength":256,"runningCounter":1,"cumulativePodTextLength":256,"totalSimilarConsecutiveElements":3,"totalTextLength":820},{"type":"singlePostInArticleAd","data":{}},{"type":"singlePostText","data":{"text":"

When it comes to deciding what locally owned restaurant is the best, that can be a hard decision.   Who has the best local restaurant in Amarillo?  I mean we have so many good restaurants, it's hard to choose.","podInfo":{"type":"tag","name":"p","attribs":{"dangerouslySetInnerHTML":{"__html":"When it comes to deciding what locally owned restaurant is the best, that can be a hard decision.   Who has the best local restaurant in Amarillo?  I mean we have so many good restaurants, it's hard to choose."}}}},"currentTextLength":229,"runningCounter":2,"cumulativePodTextLength":485,"totalSimilarConsecutiveElements":3,"totalTextLength":820},{"type":"singlePostText","data":{"text":"

According to a study done by us, we sorted through social media and looked at the restaurants that were local favorites, and from that, we came up with the best local restaurants in Amarillo.  Now some will agree, some won't.  However, at the end of this, you can let us know your favorite local restaurants in Amarillo.","podInfo":{"type":"tag","name":"p","attribs":{"dangerouslySetInnerHTML":{"__html":"According to a study done by us, we sorted through social media and looked at the restaurants that were local favorites, and from that, we came up with the best local restaurants in Amarillo.  Now some will agree, some won't.  However, at the end of this, you can let us know your favorite local restaurants in Amarillo."}}}},"currentTextLength":335,"runningCounter":3,"cumulativePodTextLength":820,"totalSimilarConsecutiveElements":3,"totalTextLength":820},{"type":"singlePostGallery","data":{"id":"65a98d50d2820316d0f9c8fe","iscarbongallery":1,"layout":"","url":"/rest/carbon/api/gallery/65a98d50d2820316d0f9c8fe","status":"active","description":"These are the Top 10 Amarillo Restaurants according to posts on different social media platforms. ","title":"The Top 10 Local Restaurants in Amarillo According to Social Media","source":{"blogId":195,"domain":"","name":"101.9 The Bull","callsign":"KATPFM","market":"Amarillo"},"items":[{"alt":"","createdGmt":"2024-01-18T20:58:14.515Z","id":472324,"domainUrl":"","link":"","_id":"65a990e77aba3ba2a60e0a53","photo-url":"","photo-title":"#10 - It's A Punjabi Affair","photo-description":"It's A Punjabi Affair is one of the best Indian food restaurants in town. Their Butter Chicken is to die for!
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All these restaurants are local and owned by people who live, work, and raise their families in Amarillo.","podInfo":{"type":"tag","name":"p","attribs":{"dangerouslySetInnerHTML":{"__html":"All these restaurants are local and owned by people who live, work, and raise their families in Amarillo."}}}},"currentTextLength":105,"runningCounter":1,"cumulativePodTextLength":105,"totalSimilarConsecutiveElements":2,"totalTextLength":287},{"type":"singlePostText","data":{"text":"

Did your favorite local restaurant make the list? If not, let us know by adding it in "other". We're still curious to hear about your favorite restaurants in Amarillo.","podInfo":{"type":"tag","name":"p","attribs":{"dangerouslySetInnerHTML":{"__html":"Did your favorite local restaurant make the list? If not, let us know by adding it in "other". We're still curious to hear about your favorite restaurants in Amarillo."}}}},"currentTextLength":182,"runningCounter":2,"cumulativePodTextLength":287,"totalSimilarConsecutiveElements":2,"totalTextLength":287},{"type":"singlePostOembed","data":{"type":"rich","version":"1.0","provider_name":"Polldaddy","provider_url":"","title":"What is the Best Local Restaurant in Amarillo?","html":"var pd_tags = new Array;pd_tags["13231617-src"]="poll-oembed-simple"; response.json() ) .catch(( err )=>{ console.log( "Carbon - Error in Rest response", err ); }); }; let allTasks = [ getDependencies() ];Promise.all( allTasks ) .then(function(results){ window.initCarbon && window.initCarbon(); }); }catch(e){console.error(e);} })(document);]]>


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