Fayetteville, North Carolina, Offers a Worldwide Range of Tastes

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Fayetteville, North Carolina, Offers a Worldwide Range of Tastes

Fayetteville is known for many things, chief among them the city’s inextricable link to Fort Bragg (the largest military base in the world), which hasn’t always lent Fayetteville a great reputation. Outsiders don’t often talk about the food in Fayetteville, which to someone zipping by on I-95 might at first glance look like a never ending sea of chain restaurants. Slow down a bit and there are some gems tucked away in the city’s sprawl of strip malls; for all the negatives a transitory military town might have, the diversity brings with it what might be the best international cuisine on offer in the entire state of North Carolina.

Sure, there’s the usual suspects of Thai, Chinese, and Mexican, but Fayetteville also offers Lebanese, Vietnamese, Cuban, Jamaican, West African, and Filipino restaurants, to name a few. The city might not have gotten the sort of national press that Durham has received, nor does it have resident celebrity chefs like Raleigh (Ashley Christenesen) or even Kinston (Vivian Howard), but visitors would be hard-pressed to find anywhere in the state that plays host to a German bakery, a top-notch Indian restaurant, and a Puerto Rican cafe all in the same plaza. To make life a bit easier, here are 12 must-try Fayetteville eateries.


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