Frothy Monkey: Your Local All Day Cafe
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Frothy Monkey: Your Local All Day Cafe

Your favorite all day cafe
A place to eat, drink and connect. View Menu Order Pickup or Delivery
News, Specials, and Events
Check out what’s new at your local Frothy!
Locations & Hours
Find us in nine unique neighborhoods in Tennessee & Alabama
Specialty Coffee Roasted in Nashville, TN
Find fresh coffee, roasted to order by Frothy Monkey Roasting Co. online and in Frothy Monkey cafes.
From $18.00 — or subscribe and save 10%
From $18.00 — or subscribe and save 10%
From $18.00 — or subscribe and save 10%
Eventide Decaf
From $18.00 — or subscribe and save 10%

BAKERY by Frothy Monkey
Our locations are full of delicious baked items from the artisans at BAKERY by frothy monkey. Find out more about our rustic breads, delightful pastry, and custom cakes!
Follow us on Instagram for your daily dose of #frothylove and cafe updates.

Find your closest neighborhood Frothy Monkey cafe, hop on your favorite mode of transportation and head on over!
#bikefriendly #communitycoffeeshop #nashvillecoffee #westnashville #frothymonkey …

Clink those glasses because it’s the weekend!! Remember to take care of yourself and fill your cup so you can take care of each other better
#frothymonkey #mimosabrunch #brunchvibes #weekend #joy #selfcare …

We’ve officially been part of the Downtown Knoxville community for two years! Frothy Monkey Knoxville opened its doors on August 23 2022 and we’ve felt at home since day 1. Thanks for all your support, Knoxville!
#govols #GBO #knoxville #visitknox …

Be our guest!
We love Wednesdays because we get to Wine Down with you! From 4-9 at all frothy monkey cafes, get a flight of THREE wines and a personal charcuterie board for $18 (or get a dinner entree instead of charcuterie for $4 off).
#happyhour #winedownwednesday #winespecials #frothymonkey …

Family Night at Frothy Monkey Homewood! Every Tuesday from 4-8pm with board games, happy hour specials and more so you don’t have to worry about after-school activities or dinner!
#familynight #gamenight #afterschool #homewoodAL #edgewood …

Would you drink the Havana Latte or eat it?
PS the Havana Latte @googooclusters is available in all our cafes and online (link in bio)! …

We’re proud of our food and coffee, we’re proud of our staff and how they embody hospitality. Are we demure? Sure! Are we mindful? Always.
According to one guy on Google who gave us one ⭐️ we’re “too friendly.” Whichever the case we are Frothy Monkey. Welcome!
#butfirstfrothy #familyfriendly #community #demure #alldaycafe #frothymonkey …

Grab those Sunday scaries by the bagel.
The Julie: KY Farm Fresh eggs, tomato, feta and fresh basil in a @frothymonkeybakery bagel. Go for it.
#sundaybrunch #alldaycafe #frothymonkey #freshbagels #brunch #nashville #birminghamalabama #chattanooga #knoxville #backtoschool …
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