Home – La Casa Ristorante

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Home – La Casa Ristorante

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bar, BISTRO & restaurant
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About us

Tradition & Passion

When La Casa Ristorante first opened its doors on March 10, 1994, proprietor Syl Basacco had already done his homework by studying and copying many of our Mom’s recipes from back home in Ceprano, Italy. In fact it used to be quite the treat when La Casa featured our Mom’s home-made lasagna as the daily special. Some of these recipes are still on our menu today, along with many other delicious dishes our talented chefs have created over the years. Bottom line : you don’t last this long unless your food is really good!
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Specials & Events

La Casa will host special events such as Londonlicious, New Year’s Eve, Valentines Day, Birthdays, Retirements, and any other event that is special to you. Our Londonlicious lunch and dinner menus for January are included within.

La Casa can cater groups of up to 75 people. Groups can book the front, back or entire restaurant depending on the size of the group. Our Private Function coordinator and Head Chef can plan the perfect meal for your group with a customized menu.

At La Casa we are proud of our ability to create dynamic and unique experiences for our Private Function guests. Our Private Function coordinator and our Head Chef will take all the time necessary to work with you in designing the menu offering, beverage matches, and dining environment you require to ensure an exceptional event.

make reservations

If you would like to reserve a table please call us at:


...or reserve it online by filling in the following form:


Customers & Friends

  • “After recently moving down town, my wife and I have been anxious to try some new restaurants. La Casa was one of the first. What a perfect meal! This nice little restaurant is conveniently located on King St. across from Covent Garden Market and has FANTASTIC atmosphere, AMAZING food and excellent service. My wife and I were both very pleased….”

    Brian J

  • “Our experience here was fantastic. The restaurant was not too busy for a Friday night so we were able to get a table by the window overlooking the street. No less than three people, including the owner, came by to ask if we wanted the drapes drawn because of the setting sun. The attention to that little detail was indicative of the service we received throughout our dinner.”

    Dave M

  • “I have been eating at this restaurant since it has opened. I have not been disappointed yet. The food continues to surprise and amaze us. I think the price is right as the food is great quality. The staff are friendly and always aim to provide the best service. The atmosphere suits friends,family or a romantic evening. It is still family owned and you can tell. They always give it 100 and 10 percent.”


117 King St., London, ON N6A 1C3
Tel.: 519-434-2272", popup: false, icon: { image: "https://lacasaristorante.com/wp-content/themes/theflavour-parent/images/icons/gmap_icon.png", iconsize: [25, 34], iconanchor: [12,34], infowindowanchor: [0, 0] } }], zoom: 15, scrollwheel: false, maptype: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP }); }); ]]>

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