Kenwick Table
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Kenwick Table

Kenwick Table is a community-based coffee shop and wine bar in the flourishing Kenwick neighborhood of Lexington, Kentucky. What sets us apart from other shops is our story. Several years ago while skiing in Breckenridge, CO, owner and Kenwick resident, Rett McGoodwin, visited a breakfast joint that had several people lined up to sit at a community table. Intrigued, he learned the restaurant incentivized its patrons to sit at this table, allowing for a myriad of people to meet and socialize from all over the world. When renovating 201 Owsley, Rett salvaged the wooden rafters from the old bungalow and built what had impressed him so much all those years ago, Kenwick’s very own community table. At Kenwick Table, we serve a variety of coffee and espresso drinks, local pastries and small plates, wine, bourbon, and beer. We pride ourselves in being a comfortable and inviting place for all people, all the time. We hope you’ll visit and come sit at our table.
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