Kixi Cafe
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Kixi Cafe

Welcome to Kixi Cafe in Boca Raton, a coffee lover's dream. Immerse yourself in our world of aromatic coffee from our favorite local roaster, Wells Coffee, delectable breakfast, brunch, and lunch options, including our signature Japanese soufflé pancakes. Enjoy our dog-friendly patio, embodying Boca Raton's vibrant charm. At Kixi, we're more than just a coffee shop; we're a community hub where every visit is a chance to savor life's joys in a warm, whimsical setting.
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Lost Sock Roasters
Lost Sock Roasters `form[action*='/${t}']:not([data-nocaptcha='true']) input[name='form_type'][value='${e}']`)).join(','),a=t=>()=>t?[...document.querySelectorAll(t)].map((t=>t.form)):[];function s(){const t=[...o],e=r(t);return a(e)}const i='password',u='form_key',d=['recaptcha-v3-token','g-recaptcha-response','h-captcha-response',i],f=()=>{try{return window.sessionStorage}catch{return}},m='__shopify_v',_=t=>t.elements[u];function p(t,e,n=!1){try{const o=window.sessionStorage,c=JSON.parse(o.getItem(e)),{data:r}=function(t){const{data:e,action:n}=t;return t[m]||n?{data:e,action:n}:{data:t,action:n}}(c);for(const[e,n]of Object.entries(r))t.elements[e]&&(t.elements[e].value=n);n&&o.removeItem(e)}catch(o){console.error('form repopulation failed',{error:o})}}const l='form_type',E='cptcha';function T(t){t.dataset[E]=!0}const w=window,h=w.document,L='Shopify',v='ce_forms',y='captcha';let A=!1;((t,e)=>{const...
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