Maple Bacon Coffee (Whole Bean) by Bones Coffee Company
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Maple Bacon Coffee (Whole Bean) by Bones Coffee Company

Original Price: Current Price: $15.99
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Maple-Glazed Bacon
Sugar Free
No Artificial Sweeteners
Keto Friendly
Allergen Free
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What's your favorite way to start the day? Savory maple bacon? Check. Fresh, delicious coffee? Check. But what if you could have them at the same time just by brewing some coffee? To make that possible, we combined one of the greatest flavors of all time with our popular medium-roast coffee. The result is a slightly sweet and extremely smooth flavor that will transport you to your happy place.
All coffee is roasted to order and is guaranteed to be FRESH!
This coffee is Rainforest Alliance™ Certified, and that means really awesome things for you, your morning cup & the world’s farmers, and rainforests! The Rainforest Alliance™ is an international non-profit organization that makes major impacts around the world in the preservation of rainforests, supporting sustainable farming and business practices, human rights, and meeting the challenges of a changing climate.
Tasting Notes
Maple-Glazed Bacon
Maple-Glazed Bacon
Product Details
What's your favorite way to start the day? Savory maple bacon? Check. Fresh, delicious coffee? Check. But what if you could have them at the same time just by brewing some coffee? To make that possible, we combined one of the greatest flavors of all time with our popular medium-roast coffee. The result is a slightly sweet and extremely smooth flavor that will transport you to your happy place.
All coffee is roasted to order and is guaranteed to be FRESH!
This coffee is Rainforest Alliance™ Certified, and that means really awesome things for you, your morning cup & the world’s farmers, and rainforests! The Rainforest Alliance™ is an international non-profit organization that makes major impacts around the world in the preservation of rainforests, supporting sustainable farming and business practices, human rights, and meeting the challenges of a changing climate.
Kelly B. Read the ReviewsThis variety pack is so delish we’ve bought it twice! We had a nightmare before Christmas baby shower and used this for our favors and it was a huge hit! We gave a bag of coffee, a powder creamer & a sugar cube and everyone loved it!
Over 30 mind-blowing flavors and single-origin coffees to choose from. We've got something for everyone
Robust Flavor
A variety of unique flavors to tantalize your taste-buds
Fill your home or office with delightful aromas that are sure to make your friends, family, and co-workers envious
Small Batch Roasting Quality
Expertly roasted in small batches to bring out the best in every bean
Carefully selected beans to ensure the smoothest sipping experience possible
Any Way You Want It - We have a variety of ways to enjoy our coffee: 12oz, 4oz, Bones Cups, Cans & more!
We started Bones Coffee Company as a family with a passion for coffee and a mission to inject some flavor into an otherwise boring landscape of coffee companies.We knew that we could bring a new and exciting approach to coffee to the masses. With over 30 unique flavors, no matter your preference, we have something perfect for you to start your morning with.
Enjoy every cup of Bones Coffee with the confidence that we are working together to further the social, economic and environmental goals that matter to all of us!
- Mitigating climate change
- Restoring forests
- Preserving human rights
- Building thriving rural economies
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Quantity Frequency:Source
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