Roggenart European Bakery, Bistro & Cafe
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Roggenart European Bakery, Bistro & Cafe
For us, creating doughs and food with the simplest ingredients like flour, water and yeast is magic, art and passion. Food is not only about highest quality ingredients; that’s only the beginning. Food and baking is the art of life; it is about flavors of life, freshness, emotion, friendship, comfort, enjoyment. We believe that true quality is finding a balance in everything.
That is the reason why we have created ROGGENART, a feel-good place where we share our passion with the world. We are a bakery a bistro, a café, a coffee shop, a restaurant.
Roggenart means in German “the art of rye.” The first ROGGENART opened its doors in June 2017. Since then we have evolved but sustained our quest of creating a feel-good place with fresh, highest quality food, cozy and filled with positive energy. ROGGENART is a place where you can take time for yourself to work, meet with friends, reflect, love, eat and enjoy life. Whether it is breakfast, lunch, a simple coffee or just a late afternoon with Friends, we want to be your third place.
We are very passionate about our food, about our baking and about our coffee. We offer fresh food made from scratch and made to order. We bake in small batches throughout the day and brew great coffee.
Every item that you will try was made by hand from scratch. Every café that we have is a little different, and every store carries a stamp of our small team’s love, passion, energy and hard work that we have put in to open it.
No matter how your day is going, our goal is to improve it, even if only for a tiny bit. Roll, cut, fold, knead, mix, punch, brush, flour, taste, melt, grate, core, dust, pit, shift, scrape, pat, chill glaze, crumble, turn, butter, soften, separate, shred, infuse, double, flavor, zest, drizzle, sprinkle, share & enjoy…. This is what our baking is all about!
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