RoosRoast Coffee | Deep Local & Solar Powered in Ann Arbor, MI
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RoosRoast Coffee | Deep Local & Solar Powered in Ann Arbor, MI

"Let me just say that the Portland dark roast coffee is hands down one of the best...
... tasting coffees that I've ever had. If you love full bodied dark, rich coffee, you need to try this! It's full flavor is dark without any bitterness, which is what I love. All their coffees are good but this Portland dark roast is a dream come true! And the biggest bonus, it's organic!!! The folks who work are all so friendly and fabulous, always smiling and very welcoming. I give them 10 stars."
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Lost Sock Roasters
Lost Sock Roasters `form[action*='/${t}']:not([data-nocaptcha='true']) input[name='form_type'][value='${e}']`)).join(','),a=t=>()=>t?[...document.querySelectorAll(t)].map((t=>t.form)):[];function s(){const t=[...o],e=r(t);return a(e)}const i='password',u='form_key',d=['recaptcha-v3-token','g-recaptcha-response','h-captcha-response',i],f=()=>{try{return window.sessionStorage}catch{return}},m='__shopify_v',_=t=>t.elements[u];function p(t,e,n=!1){try{const o=window.sessionStorage,c=JSON.parse(o.getItem(e)),{data:r}=function(t){const{data:e,action:n}=t;return t[m]||n?{data:e,action:n}:{data:t,action:n}}(c);for(const[e,n]of Object.entries(r))t.elements[e]&&(t.elements[e].value=n);n&&o.removeItem(e)}catch(o){console.error('form repopulation failed',{error:o})}}const l='form_type',E='cptcha';function T(t){t.dataset[E]=!0}const w=window,h=w.document,L='Shopify',v='ce_forms',y='captcha';let A=!1;((t,e)=>{const...
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