Why You Should Visit Carolina Coffee Shop’s Sister Cafe
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Why You Should Visit Carolina Coffee Shop’s Sister Cafe

1922 opened on Franklin Street in February 2022, the same year that Carolina Coffee Shop celebrated its 100th anniversary

By Amber Watson | Photography by John Michael Simpson
Franklin Street mainstay Carolina Coffee Shop marked its 100th year in 2022, and part of its century milestone celebration was wrapped up in the expansion and opening of an adjacent sister cafe, 1922, which opened in early February 2022. The addition of 1922 allows CCS enthusiasts to pick what suits their needs: A classic restaurant with a full bar at the original location or a cafe space featuring grab-and-go items, such as ham and cheese croissants, and room to spread out at a table with a laptop.
Having a business right next to campus means some of the regulars are students and faculty with varying needs, whether it’s a quick drink or bite between classes, a coffee with a colleague or a focused study session before finals. The whole idea behind the expansion was to allow for a more casual environment for guests who are looking to linger in a comfortable atmosphere without ordering a full meal, and the menu was created with this in mind, featuring pastries, a variety of sweets and savory snacks, as well as a selection of light lunch options, such as sandwiches and salads.
What makes the menu special is that 1922 partners with many local businesses and bakeries to offer several location options under one roof, such as Ninth Street Bakery’s soft gooey cinnamon rolls and Carrboro Coffee Roasters coffee.
From the menu to the interior aesthetic, 1922 adds to the local energy on Franklin Street, providing a non-chain experience that is cozy, welcoming and uniquely Chapel Hill. The new cafe still has many of the legacy features that evoke the history of that space, which was most recently Blue Spoon Microcreamery. This includes the old tin ceiling and hanging light fixtures. They also modernized the counter, floors and the bay window seating to lighten the space and take advantage of prime people-watching.
Co-owner Jeff Hortman graduated in 2006 as a second-generation UNC student and recognizes the important role local businesses play in the fabric of the college town. “It’s a special place that uniquely blends families, professionals, businesses, alumni, students and academics, and serving each of these constituencies is an important part of balancing the appropriate experience,” he says. 1922 fulfills a new need as they embark on the century ahead.
140 E. Franklin St., Chapel Hill
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